The Spanish Ministry for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, also known as MAGRAMA, through the Dirección General de Calidad y Evaluación Ambiental y Medio Natural (General Direction for Environmental Quality and Assessment and the Natural Environment), is the competent public administration in coordination of biodiversity conservation actions at a national level.
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The functions of the Biodiversity Foundation are the following:
- Promotion of agreements and carrying out of calls for aid directed at organizations, university and scientific institutions, associations, unions, private and public bodies, and any other relevant player in order to achieve the objectives of the Foundation in accordance with the approved strategic lines.

The Junta de Castilla y León is the regional administration with powers for Environmental management and conservation within its borders. It has its own resources for carrying out activities envisaged within this Project. Since these powers were taken on, it has carried out tracking, conservation and management for species within the region, and undertaken specific measures for their conservation and improvement.

The Junta de Extremadura is the Autonomous Regional Government Administration for Extremadura. It falls to this body to develop legislation and carry out protection of the environment, in compliance with what is laid down in Spanish Law (Article 8.8 of Organic Law 1/1983, Statute of Autonomy for Extremadura (DOE number 10 of 2nd March 1983; BOE number 49 of 26th February 1983).

The mission of Cesefor Foundation is to support, by means of projects and services, the development of forestry sectors and industry so that they better contribute towards sustainable development. The objectives are:
• Improvement in management and use of natural resources.
• Improvement in the competitiveness and development of our industrial fabric.
• Increase the degree of sustainable industrialisation for our forest products.

The Foundation’s aim within its borders is the restoration, strengthening, stimulation, promotion, maintenance and comprehensive management of goods forming part of the natural heritage of Castile and Leon, and to promote knowledge and awareness by promoting any activities that serve to foster the Foundation’s goals and so act as a support for cultural, social and economic development of the Community of Castile and Leon.

Created after publication in the official regional government bulletin “Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León” Law 12/2006, of 26th October on the creation of the public sector company 'Sociedad Pública de Medio Ambiente de Castilla y León'.
The public sector company "Sociedad Pública de Medio Ambiente de Castilla y León" has the following social aim:

Set up in 1989 as a subsidiary of Tragsa, Tragsatec is a company that innovates in the field of engineering development and is a leading company in state-of-the-art technology.
Tragsatec undertakes engineering, consulting and technical assistance work in the agricultural, forestry, and rural, environmental and marine development fields. They not only carry out studies and projects but also provide technical services.